Dir: Richard Ashe. Scr: Bill Finger, Charles Sinclair. Prod: Ralph T. Desiderio. Cast: Chase Cordell, Leigh Drake, Gregorio Sala.
Track of the Moon Beast is one of the countless regional films made during the last golden age of the drive-in. Produced in a location light years removed from Hollywood, seldom employing name talent, these films also had an authenticity for their time and place that any studio product would lack. Their down-home charm also affects us personally, as everyday people (like you or me) in drab everyday locations (like yours or mine) are seen encountering unusual phenomenon. And in many instances, we are further endeared due to the fact that with these same resources, we could have made these movies too.
To be sure, this drive-in filler would never win any awards for acting or direction, but it is charming for all the reasons mentioned above, and it is an absorbing low-key thriller that updates the Wolfman formula to the space age. Astronomer Paul Carlson (played by Chase Cordell), who maintains a lab in the rural American southwest, has the misfortune of being nearby the impact of a meteorite crash, as a stray fragment from the lunar rock lodges into his chest. Whenever there is a full moon, he turns into a murderous beast. This of course causes problems for him and his new girlfriend Kathy (played by Leigh Drake).
The makeup effects by Rick Baker and Joe Blasco provide for a decent lizard-like monster roaming around the arroyo. (In fact, the lizard suit is worn by Blasco, who would have just made the nifty parasite creatures for David Cronenberg's They Came From Within). However, even more fun to watch are the interesting visual effects of starscapes, and the trippy solarization used in the film's climax.
Yet like the old Wolfman pictures, the monster seldom appears. These filmmakers take a refreshingly old-fashioned approach to this formula by emphasizing character over body count. Instead the movie focuses on the doomed romantic leads, and Paul's growing realization that his alter ego is responsible for the strange deaths around town culminates in his conceding to destroy himself before more people die. On paper this sounds interesting, but unfortunately, this intriguingly fatalistic tone has to be delivered by two lead actors Whose. Delivery. Is. Much. Like. This.
This film was made in an era when movies had developed a sympathy towards Native Americans (seen in films like Little Big Man or Soldier Blue), and it is unique to see a major role for a native character, who even saves the day! Paul's scientist friend Johnny Longbow (played by Gregorio Sala, in his only film role, as far as we know), who joins Kathy to save Paul from himself, comes to the rescue with -ha ha- a bow and arrow(!), but this bit of cliché is actually integral to the plot. Throughout this minor character-driven drama, there is also a sly context of how the white race stereotypes the native people, and it is subtly satirical to see Johnny use those very clichés to rid the world of danger.
Track of the Moon Beast has an unfairly bad reputation, largely because it was included in the Mystery Science Theatre TV series. Granted, it is a slow picture because it relies so much upon two wooden leads to carry the narrative, but kudos to the filmmakers who tried to make a little picture with some substance. Considering how little you're going to pay to see it, you really can't go wrong with this picture on a slow night: it brings back nice memories of the drive-in or the late late show.
MMM Rating: 3/5
Located on: Chilling Classics
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