Sunday, December 27, 2020

Gunslinger Classics

An interesting selection of B-westerns, spaghettis, even some more recent obscure picks. Some aren't even westerns, though set in the modern west, so fine. This set was re-issued, with one title (*) replaced by another (+).

Titles added below; links will be added when films are reviewed.

Any Gun Can Play (1967)
Apache Blood (1975)
The Belle Starr Story (1968)
Billy the Kid Returns (1938)
Boot Hill (1969)
Cry Blood, Apache (1970)
The Curse of Demon Mountain (1977)
Dan Candy's Law (1974)
Day of the Wolves (1971)
Days of Jesse James (1939)
Dead Aim (1971)
Deadwood '76 (1965)
Death Rides a Horse (1968)
The Devil and Leroy Bassett (1973)
Four Rode Out (1969)
God's Gun (1976)
The Gun and the Pulpit (1974)
The Hanged Man (1974)
In Old Santa Fe (1934)
Jesse James' Women (1954)
Joshua (1976)
Kid Vengeance (1977)
Law Men (1944) 
The Lawless Frontier (1934)
Lights of Old Santa Fe (1944)
The Lucky Texan (1934)
Mad Dog Morgan (1976)
Man Of The Forest (1933) +
Man from Music Mountain (1938)
The Man from Utah (1934)
One-Eyed Soldiers (1967)
Paradise Canyon (1935)
Public Cowboy No. 1 (1937)
Rage at Dawn (1955)
Randy Rides Alone (1934)
Riders of Destiny (1933)
Riders of the Whistling Skull (1937)
Rim of the Canyon (1949)
Savage Guns (1971)
Savage Journey (1983)
Seven Alone (1974)
Showdown at Williams Creek (1991)
Star Packer, The (1934)
Texas Terror (1935)
They Call Me Trinity (1970)*
This Man Can't Die (1970)
Trinity and Sartana (1972)
Utah (1945)
West of the Divide (1933)
Wildfire (1945)
Yuma (1971)

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